Signature is a required box when signing a contract. If you click the location of the sign box, you can enter your signature in the location.
General signature
- Select General Signature from signature types.
- Please select your preferred signature method from simple signature, handwritten signature, and an affixed registered seal impression.
1) Choose (automatically generated)
- We provide various fonts of your choice. Create your beautiful signature!
![Jun-09-2022 16-13-14.gif](
2) Draw (Handwritten signature)
- You can draw your own signature with your hand or mouse.
- Please sign in the gray area.
![Jun-09-2022 16-13-52.gif](
3) Upload (Affixed registered seal impression)
- You can upload the seal image stored in your PC or mobile device for use.
![Jun-09-2022 16-14-53.gif](